My Experience as a First-Time Digital Nomad in Europe

Travelling has been my dream for so long now. I didn’t just want to take vacations – I wanted to write about them too. As a 13-year-old teenager, when I… Continue reading My Experience as a First-Time Digital Nomad in Europe

5 Reasons that Will Convince You to Work From Anywhere

Remote work is starting to catch up with professionals all around the world. The pandemic showed us that four hours of focused work from your kitchen can also get the… Continue reading 5 Reasons that Will Convince You to Work From Anywhere

Meet Priya Majumdar – Founder, Traveller and a Web3 Genius!

Why choose one path when you can be awesome and take many? Robert Frost led most to believe that when two roads fork and you walk down one, it’s difficult… Continue reading Meet Priya Majumdar – Founder, Traveller and a Web3 Genius!

Here’s All You Need to Know about Being a Digital Nomad in India

Table of Contents Tips for digital nomads in India   As a digital nomad working remotely from around the world, it can get daunting to pick your next destination country.… Continue reading Here’s All You Need to Know about Being a Digital Nomad in India

Meet Shahzada Arora – NomadGao’s Co-founder & Digital Nomad !

Everyone dreams of travelling full-time. There is something about the change this movement offers that makes everyone seek it out. However, it’s not always easy to grab hold of a… Continue reading Meet Shahzada Arora – NomadGao’s Co-founder & Digital Nomad !

Meet Anushka, a changemaker, cancer survivor and an employee-turned-coconut at NomadGao!

Contrary to our other features, here is a story about starting out in your twenties, braving the unexpected, figuring out your finances and just watching things fall into place. 

Meet Jagruti Khabiya, Eco-Entrepreneur & founder of Araatrika!

Meet Jagruti, an eco entrepreneur and our coconut for the month!  Robert Frost once said, “ I took the road not taken and that has made all the difference” and… Continue reading Meet Jagruti Khabiya, Eco-Entrepreneur & founder of Araatrika!

How My Misfit Background Turned Me Into A Community Builder?

How My Misfit Background Turned Me Into A Community Builder? TL:DR -This is a story of an introvert misfit from a small town who ended up becoming a community entrepreneur… Continue reading How My Misfit Background Turned Me Into A Community Builder?

Goa vs Bali – Choose your next Workation Destination?

Table of Contents Sun. Sand. Coconuts. The comparison between blissful Bali and gorgeous Goa doesn’t end here. Having spent a considerable time in Bali as a digital nomad, I have… Continue reading Goa vs Bali – Choose your next Workation Destination?

Tips on Dating as a Digital Nomad

Tips On Dating As A Digital Nomad Digital Nomads stick to only one rule – to never stay in one place for too long. This means that any friends and partners you… Continue reading Tips on Dating as a Digital Nomad